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Student Accessibility Services

学生不仅需要为大学生涯的成功做好准备,也需要为毕业后的社区和工作做好准备. Therefore, Mount Union致力于为学业合格的残疾学生或有独特挑战的学生提供平等的高等教育机会,这些学生在大学里表现出成功的潜力.

学生无障碍服务通过为合格的残疾人和独特的身体或学术挑战提供服务和住宿,支持Mount Union对多样性和学生成功的承诺. Student Accessibility Services ensures accessible programs, services and a campus environment in compliance with local, state, and federal disability rights legislation. Student Accessibility Services also serves as a resource to faculty, staff, 和大学社区,就有关合规问题提供咨询和宣传服务.

Students who wish to request accommodations in academics or housing must complete a request for accommodations and must provide supporting documentation of their unique needs. 住宿请求将根据请求的性质和及时性等因素确定, the specific needs of the student, administrative feasibility, and the reasonableness of the requested accommodation. Accommodations are approved on an academic-year basis and must be renewed each academic year.


  • For academic accommodations, 我们强烈鼓励学生尽可能在学期开始前提出申请.
  • For housing accommodations, 我们强烈鼓励新生在六月底(即将到来的秋季学期)提出申请,以便获得优先考虑. 返校学生应在2月(即将到来的秋季学期)提出住宿申请,然后进行住房抽签.

To request accommodations, or to address any related questions, please contact the Office of Student Accessibility Services at or by calling (330) 823-7372.

Academic Accommodations

有残疾和独特的身体或学术挑战的Mount Union学生可能有资格在课堂和/或测试时使用学术住宿,并可能要求特定的住宿. 学术住宿的请求将根据包括请求性质在内的因素来确定, the specific needs of the student, and the reasonableness of the requested accommodation.

Examples of the most commonly approved accommodations include:

  • Extended testing time
  • Low-distraction testing environment
  • Notetaking assistance
  • Preferential seating
  • Access to lecture materials prior to class
  • Audiobooks
  • Alternative exam formatting
  • Self-excuse from class for reasonable medically necessary breaks

Students who wish to request for academic accommodation must complete a request for accommodations and must provide appropriate documentation of their unique needs. Documentation may include medical records, education records, or other appropriate statements from licensed medical or mental health professionals. It is the student’s responsibility to provide SAS with all required documentation.


由于身体伤害,短期残疾和受伤的联合山学生可能有资格获得学术和住房住宿, surgeries, concussions, and similar short-term mobility or learning restrictions.  SAS recognizes that short-term disabilities may limit a student’s ability to effectively write, type, study, ambulate, or drive. To assist students in these instances, short-term allowances for accommodations may include:

  • Extended testing time
  • Alternative exam formatting
  • Notetaking assistance
  • Preferential seating
  • Self-excuse from class for reasonable medically necessary breaks
  • Handicapped parking pass
  • Transportation assistance between University buildings
  • Elevator use in some residence halls
  • Specific concussion-related academic accommodations as prescribed


Students who wish to request for short-term accommodations must complete a request for accommodations and must provide appropriate documentation of their unique needs. 文件可包括有执照的医疗或心理健康专业人员的医疗记录或其他适当陈述. It is the student’s responsibility to provide SAS with all required documentation.


威尼斯人app下载致力于确保残疾学生平等地获得课程内容和学习机会,这些残疾学生可能会干扰传统媒体或技术的使用. To that end, SAS确保有残疾和独特的身体或学术挑战的学生在使用技术作为他们教育的重要组成部分时得到照顾. 学生无障碍服务努力利用并为学生提供最先进的技术选择, and we are always eager to collaborate with students on new suggestions. Examples of accommodated technology offerings include:

  • Screen reader software
  • Dictation software
  • Audiobooks
  • Audio recording software and smartpens
  • Custom-ordered supportive devices and software

任何潜在的或现在的联合山学生可能担心他们访问大学网站的能力, software, media or technology should contact Student Accessibility Services at or (330) 823-7372 for assistance.