
Campus Programming

The University of Mount Union provides campus-wide opportunities throughout the year, through a variety of avenues, including the Raider Programming Board (RPB). RPB is comprised of student coordinators to plan and implement a variety of events that are open to the campus community.

Here is a brief overview of the types of campus programming available during the school year:

  • 周中Maddness

    Midweek Madness events occur on Wednesday evenings, typically at 7 p.m. throughout the semester. Each event is offered at no additional cost to students, faculty, and staff on campus. Many activities include free food and the opportunity to win great prizes! 

  • Mount Union After Hours

    Mount Union After Hours offers evening and weekend entertainment throughout the city, 县, and state offering opportunities for building community throughout the semester.

  • Traditions and 事件

    Mount Union possesses a rich history and several traditions celebrated annually.

    • 家庭日
      Join your Mount Union student on campus for a full day of fun every fall! 家庭日 is in conjunction with many campus events including: ArtFest, the Carnation City Food Truck Rally, 游戏日早午餐, various athletic events, 和更多的!

    • 同学会
      Check out the 同学会 plans happening every fall through the Office 威尼斯人app下载 订婚, 发现于 威尼斯人app下载 订婚 网页.

    • 兄弟姐妹的一天
      每年春天, invite little siblings, 表亲, and family friends to visit Mount Union with their big sib! The Raider Programming Board, in conjunction with several other campus organizations, provides many fun and exciting activities for sibs and kids of all ages.